The Collective is my hand-selected group of ambitious coaches, healers, practitioners, leaders and experts who are ready to scale to $500k and beyond. 

Our goal: 

To add $100k - $300k in new revenue (much of it recurring) using Leveraged OFFERS and simplified marketing that feels good. And to keep most of that in PROFIT, while working less. 

Imagine enjoying consistent, predictable $20k-50k months (or adding $20k-$50k/month to what you’re doing right now), working with Soulmate Clients ONLY... 

Without big launches or a bunch of funnels. Without ads, webinars, low ticket courses or live events.

And even WITHOUT having to do a bunch of “discovery” calls. 

You’ll re-tool your business model to deliver 2x-5x more PROFIT to you, while cutting your work hours in half.

You’ll align with strategy and energy that allows for big income leaps, without all the marketing hoopla you don’t like. 

All within a community of incredibly smart, ambitious, and successful service providers like yourself, who are building their business on their own terms. 


We’ll create, dial in or revamp three core Leveraged OFFERS that easily call in your most delightful, ideal clients, and move you out of the hustle and grind for good. 

  • Your Leveraged Revenue Offer that will predictably add $20k-$50k income to your business each month, using simple marketing.
  • Your Leveraged Intro Offer that enrolls your Leveraged Revenue Offer FOR you while positioning you as a go-to leader. (Without having to “sell hard” – and without feeling obligated to market constantly, the way “everybody else does.”)
  • Your Leveraged Lead Magnet that brings forth your Soulmate Clients with a lot less effort… the ones that are a true pleasure to work with, who get so much value from you that they happily renew without question.

We’ll turn on your income taps by getting really darn good at facilitating a simplified, No Brainer Enrollment Process that empowers you (or a team member) to sign up clients via DM or email. 

Christine Gallagher, Founder of She's Got Clients


You get access immediately to all templates and systems, so you can set things in motion right away. 

We’ll kick off with a PRIVATE 1:1 Zoom with me, to create a customized plan for you to add $50k-$100k in sales in your first 90 days, plus identify your biggest "needle movers."

We meet as a group over Zoom 3 times per month, where I help you move through any challenges and keep you moving forward. (Call times are WEDNESDAYS at 3pm ET and usually run for 1-2 hours.) All calls are recorded, of course.

Our Facebook Group is active, and a place to get support and feedback from myself and the other members. I’ll be there to coach you and the others with PERSONALIZED coaching, customized for YOU and your unique situation.


  • Who, exactly, is The Collective for? 

Ambitious female service providers, healers, wellness professionals, coaches and mentors who are already sitting at $75k+ or low six/multiple six figures and want to scale to $500k and beyond by SIMPLIFYING and streamlining. 

  • Who’s in the group? 

Super smart women (service providers, wellness professionals, healers, experts and coaches) who create big results for their clients, who are growing and expanding their service-based business. 

Members must have revenues of $75k-$250k minimum to be accepted, which means they’re already “doing the dang thing” and creating results while also bringing valuable contributions to the group. 

  • What if I want to create online trainings, courses, etc? 

Awesome! You sound like me, who geeks out on that stuff. :) Just know that our focus is not on the zillion details of online marketing low-ticket offers online. 

What we are really focused on is optimizing the CORE pieces of your business – your “who,” your offers, and your messaging.

If you want to use strategies like like webinars and ads to move people into your offers, that’s great! Once cash is flowing, our clients often add these to the mix. 

One thing I know for sure… that influences all of my programs… is: you get to build it on your own terms. We don’t do cookie cutter.

  • How is this different than the previous iteration of your Mastermind? 

How ISN’T it different? ;)  

Seriously, we’ve simplified and streamlined so much… plus gotten a ton more laser focused. It’s SO clear to me what’s truly needed for leaders in this space, and what’s been missing from so many of the programs out there. 

This is about what REALLY moves the needle - your foundational magic. Your “who.” Your $15-30k+ optimized offers. Your powerful message. And of course, you’ll learn how to enroll Soulmate Clients into your programs without having to do a bunch of long, drawn out, soul-sucking sales calls. We’re scaling you to $20k-$50k+ months… without all the complicated marketing hoopla that drives you crazy.

We’ll figure out together where to focus to create a minimum of $50-$100k cash in 90 days.

  • What's the Investment? 

The Collective is $15,000 for the year. (Typically, just a single campaign for ONE offer is enough to make your entire investment back.) OR...

If you want to make payments out of profit, you can start with a deposit of $1500, and promise to be on time with payments starting in 60 days (12 payments totaling $17,000.)

Yes, we’re giving you a full 60 days into the program to generate PROFIT. 


  • Regular Implementation Weeks
  • Collaboration Opportunities with Other Smart, Ambitious Leaders 
  • Access to my Million Dollar “Swipe File” (what I’ve used to make millions in my business over the years)
  • Access to ALL of my programs and training 
  • Christine’s brain (and marketing materials reviews) :) 
  • BONUS: Live Collective Retreats, 3x per year in sunny St. Petersburg, FL


After being in two other Masterminds that didn't deliver results, Brenda Nicholson increased her sales by 80% and her list by 50% as a result of working with me. (What kind of difference would an 80% increase in sales make in YOUR life?) She's now consistent with her marketing and feels so much more in tune with her clients and their needs. Sweet!

Lisa booked her first two 12-month clients into the coaching package that she and I created together; in the same week, she also booked two 6-month clients and scored a $5,000 keynote. She had her best year ever financially and was able to stop working as a hands-on organizer to focus on what she loves and does best. She's now got a business that is built around her lifestyle in beautiful Northern California!

Carol Ann made back her investment (plus more) in just a few short weeks through the new coaching program I helped her launch. Her list has grown from a couple hundred subscribers to over 3000, and she was able shift the business model that was keeping her unhappy, allowing her to cut back on done-for-you services, and replace them with more leveraged offers. She now ONLY takes on ideal clients!

Terry held her first live event - something she’d been thinking about for years, but finally took action on with my encouragement. It was a smash hit and not only profitable on its own, but resulted in continuing business. She offered it a second time and that sold out too! She says: "The Program is an investment that will pay for itself many times over."

Jennifer came to me with stalled business, not knowing where to start. Since joining, she's not only gained a lot more confidence in herself, she's hosted her own workshop, been a featured speaker in a half-day seminar, increased her list, and is now consistent in her marketing - a 180-degree change from where she started!

Lacey came to me as a tired mama of 4 with another on the way, looking for more leverage. We made some very strategic tweaks to her business model, and she ended up growing her list by 800%, quadrupling her team, and adding over 350 new customers. She was able to move her family overseas for a dream opportunity in England as a result!

Erica was able to hone in on her ideal client and craft a message that allows her to attract them consistently. She's also been able to focus much more on innovating, and has been able to see less patients, yet make more money. She's now able to see more of the people she enjoys working with, while having more time to focus on other aspects of the business she has been wanting to grow. (And grow she has! She recently launched her first book, held her third successful live event, and is launching her first online course!)

Since working with me, Jeannie held her first telesummit, increased her mailing list by 400 subscribers, filled her practice and launched her signature system to great results and PR. In the first quarter of the year she made more than she made the entire year before! (Not to mention, when she first came to me, she was working a full-time job that made her miserable - but is now a full-time entrepreneur making 6 figures!)

"As a direct result of coaching with Christine, my list has increased 40%, my revenue has increased by 50%, and I am totally 100% more confident in WHO I am and what I provide." ~Esther Hughes, Founder of The Center for Elite Women Communicators

"Since working with Christine, I am delegating more, systematizing my procedures, and running the business in a more automated way. I am now building the path to create more revenue for myself doing what I love. I get so much value learning from Christine." ~Danielle Monaco, Personal Stylist

"Christine kept me accountable. This ultimately brought me new, ideal clients and my income became consistent. I quickly made my investment back plus much more. Just DO IT!" ~Kyna Baker, Business Operations Manager

"Within one month of joining Christine's program I increased my sales, developed a new membership program that enrolled members in seconds of its launch, and I held my first successful 2-day event!" ~Sherita Sparrow, Nationally Renowned Therapeutic Art Specialist 

"During my time coaching with Christine, I finally raised my fees, delegated and let go, and booked a vacation the first time in 5 years! Plus our Operating Income has grown by 30%!" ~Holly Volpe, Interior Designer

As a result of coaching with Christine, I tripled my income and I have regained clarity of what I want. I’m more confident, and back in touch with my core values. I am not afraid to let my personality shine." ~Lisa Olinda, World Class Executive Assistant

“As a direct result of coaching with Christine, I had my first $33,000 DAY in my business. I can say this confidently based on my personal experience with coaches, she is one of the best.” ~Marilee Tolen, Holistic RN & Essential Oils Expert

“The program is absolutely amazing. I know I could not be where I am without Christine’s support. The plans I have now to take my business to the next level I couldn’t have even imagined even 6 months ago. She really is an amazing mentor.” ~Jan Douglas, Designer & Pro Quilter

“I’ve been blown out of the water at how much Christine has been able to deliver in her program. It was exactly what I needed: the plan, the steps, and the strategy. I’m no longer caught up in all the minutiae!” ~Robin Dann, Web Designer & Marketing Director

“Being a solopreneur is lonely and difficult. I saw what Christine was doing – how she was able to automate. I wanted to learn how I could too. I now have a Virtual Assistant, a Web Designer, and know the questions I need to ask to update my business in this ever-changing world. Christine is an amazing leader and catalyst.” ~Anne Zuckerman, Inventor & Entrepreneur

This is just a small sampling of what my members have been able to accomplish. There is so much more I'm proud to say they've achieved... team members added, leveraged income sources added, goals reached and exceeded...

I want this for YOU, too! 


I know intimately that making the right decision about your own future and the future of your business is an incredibly important process. 

Because of that, I want to make absolutely certain that this is the right fit for you. I'd like to get to know you a bit, and ask you a few simple questions to ensure this is the right program for you.

None of them are "automatic no's" - they just let us know where you are in biz and how best we can help.

These answers will help us make sure you can easily make $30k-$50k+ minimum during the program.

Simply shoot me a message saying "Collective questions" using the button below, and I'll respond to you personally.

Looking forward to your answers and we'll take it from there!



Paula Onysko

Ashley Biscoe and Alison Egeland

Susan Winograd

Jeni Waeltz

Amy Lundberg

Gail Kemeliotis

Sherita Sparrow

Erica Meloe

Carol Ann DeSimine

Danielle Monaco

Marie Hernandez